Below is the response to this website's Freedom of Information Act request for maps and other information relating to Jarvis Island from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
April 9, 2007
We have done an inventory for the documents referring to Jarvis Island but unfortunately we do not have the documents responsive to your request. What we have are the ocean floor of the island in color, and satellite imagery. I'd also checked with our sales map department, and they have maps of the island with other islands, unfortunately that would not be any beneficial to you as they appear small like dots. However, we have other sources that we recommend you contact for the maps you are seeking, you may want to contact the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library, the phone number is 808-956-6199. Also, you may want to contact Maplink Inc., they are online at, or you may call 800-962-1394. If you consider this response to be a denial of your request, you may file an appeal by writing to: Freedom of Information Act Appeals Officer
Your appeal must be received no later than 30 workdays after the date of this letter. Both the envelope must be received no later than 30 workdays after the date of this letter. Both the envelope and the letter should be marked "FREEDOM OF INFORMATION APPEAL." A copy of your original request and this letter should accompany your appeal, along with any information you have which leads you to believe the records do exist, including where they might be found, if the location is known to you.