Continued from page one. Sept. 30. Inventory was taken of camp equipment, provisions and water supply. Kenneth Bell constructed dumb-bells and bar bells, using old dry cells as weights. He made them of different weights- -four to nine cells on each. Gym headquarters are in the camp supply tent. Dan caught a "quail" at 4:45 A. M. He was awakened by the whistling of the bird outside the cottage. Today was Henry Ahia's 23rd birthday. Oct. 1. Hauled the last two of the 19 drums of water from the beach to the beacon. Oct. 2. Jacob Haili went to the shipwreck and brought back six pieces of lumber to make into a bed, 3 x 6 feet, without legs. Dan and Jacob began their "body-building" exercises; Henry and Kenneth also did exercises. Henry went to the radio shack and heard some girl friends talk to the boys on Howland. ] Oct. 3. After a strenuous day collecting specimens in the field, Henry went to the radio shack and the others organized the "Jarvinia Hot Shot Quartet." Oct. 4. Jacob Haili worked on a contraption to perfect his "U-ma" ability [hand wrestling] . Dan rigged up a lighting system for reading at night, using five dry cells. Kenneth cleared a path from the beacon to the supply tent and began to draw a map of the island. Henry Ahia has a fine collection of sea shells. Oct. 6. A large turtle was seen, believed to weigh in excess of 500 pounds. Our friend Oscar has been free to roam the beach, with clipped wings. It visits the cottage regularly for food and water. Oct. 8. Shell collecting has become the fad of Jarvis Henry has the largest collection; Dan and Jacob have just started. Kenneth walked to the shipwreck to survey some lumber. He intends to construct a house a few yards to the left of the beacon. Oct. 9. Kenneth visited the shipwreck twice, return-ing with lumber. We are all kept busy surfing, exercising and reading. Since the departure of the Itasca the weather has been good; no rain, the ocean smooth. Oct. 10. Kenneth made two more trips for lumber; he is anxious to complete his house. Dan went lobster hunting on the reef to the north when the tide was low; he got a dozen and one 'u'u fish, eaten for supper. Oct. 11. Henry and Dan discussed building either a frame house or a grass shack. Dan scouted for lumber, bringing back a load via the water route. He pulled it around the SW corner, as a raft--easier than carrying it across the island. Henry collected shells; Jacob also collected shells on the reef. Oct. 12. Kenneth visited the shipwreck twice, securing lumber. Dan made one such trip, pulling a load of lumber around the SW end. Oct. 13. Kenneth made two trips to the shipwreck for lumber. Henry collected shells on the west beach. Dan Toomey and Louis Suares (of Coman camp) incorporated to build a house around the south and west sides of the beacon. It will be a two-story house with the inside of the beacon turned into a room. Oct. 14. Kenneth began to construct his house, work-ing on it all day. Henry went shell hunting along the western beach Dan and Louis worked on their house all morning and went for more lumber in the afternoon. Oct. 15. A heavy shower in the early morning, off land on for half an hour. Two more showers about 2:00 P.M.; the sky overcast most of the day. Kenneth gathered more dumber and worked on his house. Dan and Louis continued t building a sturdy foundation for their two-story house. Oct. 16. Kenneth made two trips to the shipwreck for lumber. Henry and Jacob made an oven out of an empty 5 gallon flour can. They baked biscuits in it. Dan, Louis and Bill Chadwick went fishing on the reef, SW of the beacon. They found two lobster holes and collected a total of 25 lobsters; eaten for supper and breakfast. Oct. 17. Transporting lumber from the shipwreck still going full blast. Kenneth and Dan working hard on their house Henry continues to collect shells on the SW beach. Henry, Jacob, Louis and Bill went fishing. Henry speared a six foot shark, the largest captured on Jarvis. Weather fine and cool. Oct. 18. More lumber hauling and house construction. Two days ago we had our last pork and beans. A quarter bag of potatoes spoiled on us. Oct. 19. House construction continues. Henry and Bill Chadwick collected shells. They spent the evening in the radio shack and learned that Kam gridders were victors over their long-time rivals, Punahou; score 19 to 6. Oct. 20. Another Sunday. Dan collected shells be-fore breakfast and also speared a large-size moana [goat fish] which was enjoyed for lunch. Kenneth continued to get lumber and work on his house. Dan Toomey rigged up a reading light, using two dry cells and a 2.4 volt bulb. Oct. 21. Provisions were checked this morning by Henry Ahia. After that he and Jacob collected shells. Kenneth made two trips to the shipwreck for lumber and j worked on his house. Dan and Louis did a little work on their house. There was a heavy shower at 4:00 A. M., total 0.05 inch. In the evening Kenneth and Louis went into the field to collect booby eggs. They got a total of seven to eat for breakfast tomorrow. Oct. 22. Kenneth early this morning went into the field again to get more booby eggs; only two of the seven collected were good. He found 14, ten of which were good to eat cooked with corned beef hash; they did not have a fishy taste. Dan made five trips to the shipwreck. Oct. 23. Kenneth spent all morning working on a map of Jarvis Island. In the afternoon he carried 14 bags of gravel for the floor of his house. In the evening he moved from the cottage into his newly built house. He rigged up a lighting system with five dry cells and an 8 volt bulb. Dan worked on his surfboard. After lunch he and Louis went to the shipwreck for more lumber, transporting it home on a cart which Louis had made. Henry and Jacob collected shells. Oct. 24. Henry collected shells, beginning at the shipwreck and going three-quarters of the way around the island. Kenneth worked on his map, and with Dan and Louis selected lumber at the shipwreck. A common sight from the cottage in the evening: schools of porpoises swimming in. endless numbers. When it is calm, we also see a few sting rays in the channel of the landing place. News was received by radio that the Itasca will sail from Honolulu to San Fran-cisco within three days. Oct. 25. A very light shower greeted us this morning. at 6:00. The sky was completely overcast with cumulo-nimbus clouds. The wind (19 miles per hour) blew the clouds past the island. Later the sky cleared. Jacob, Kenneth and Louis walked to the SE end of the island to check on some coral ridges this morning. They located some old guano track rails to add to their maps. Henry worked on a map of the island in the morning and collected shells in the afternoon. Oct. 26. Henry and Kenneth worked on their maps. Kenneth rigged up a table light with five dry cells and an 8-volt bulb. Dan erected a new flagpole on the beacon, above which it protrudes 12 feet. The beacon is 25 feet high. Dan and Louis at 9:30 went into the field to study different types of booby birds. They killed a few eels and collected some shells by flashlight. Oct. 27. This morning we put bos'n bird eggs in our hotcakes. It made the cakes fluffy and gave them color. Out of 14 eggs collected four were good. The tide was unusually low around 9:00A.M., so we did some fishing. Dan and Henry caught two lobsters, also two large red snappers. Oct. 28. Dan made two trips to the shipwreck. He and Louis brought back 30 pieces of lumber on the cart. These were for the floor of the house they were building. Henry checked the ration supply, worked on his map, and collected shells. Later he worked on a T-shaped marker on the air-field. Kenneth gathered clam shells to decorate around his house. In the evening he collected bos'n bird eggs. The ocean began to get rough, with big breakers and a strong undertow. Kenneth, Jacob, Henry and Louis went surfing. Oct. 29. Kenneth collected more eggs. A dozen of his 20 were good. They were cooked for breakfast. Henry worked on flattening a mound in the airfield. Others collected shells. After supper Dan and Louis worked on the floor of their house. Two cans of poi had a bad odor and were unfit to eat. This is the first time this had happened. Oct. 30. Henry worked on his map and laid out his shells, over 300 worthy of recognition. He sorted out the best. In the afternoon he hunted more shells on the beach north of camp. Kenneth and Jacob made two trips to the shipwreck for lumber. They will make two 11-foot surfboards. Oct. 31. Dan Toomey took an inventory of provisions, water and supplies. We have plenty, but not much variety in foods. Kenneth worked on his surfboard in addition to re-cording weather. Henry, Dan and Jacob hunted for shells, finding quite a lot in good condition. Large waves at 3:00 made surfing exciting. Nov. 1. Jacob recorded weather and worked on his surfboard. Henry worked on his map in the morning and collected shells in the afternoon. Kenneth completed work on his surfboard. In the afternoon he went surfing with Jacob and Louis. The waves last night washed up higher on the beach than Dan and Henry had seen during their stay (about 7-1/2 months). We enjoyed a 3/8ths yellow moon and its re-flection on the ocean. Nov. 2. Dan worked on his house all day, between recording weather. Henry collected shells and leveled a mound in the airfield. Jacob worked on his surfboard. He went surfing with Kenneth, Henry and Louis. Kenneth sand-papered his surfboard and made a shade for one of the window of his house. Henry visited the radio shack and learned the results of a football game: Kamehameha 30, Roosevelt High 13. Nov. 3. Henry recorded weather, collected shells and went surfing. Others also went surfing. Kenneth col-lected eggs of a booby and a bos'n; boiling made them just like rubber. Dan and Louis spent the day at the shipwreck cutting more lumber. They started back with 60 pieces on the cart. After 300 yards the axle broke. Nov. 4. A new axle stood the load for about 100 yards and also gave way. They off-loaded half the lumber and hauled the rest to camp on a third axle- -a steel shaft. They worked on their house until 5:00 and then went lobster fishing getting only one. Kenneth recorded weather. He was appoint by Henry to take charge of the medical supplies. He trans-ferred them from the tent, where the weather instruments are located, to his house. Nov. 5. Henry collected shells, leveled a mound, and made a windbreak for a coconut palm out of a gunny sack. In the evening he, Kenneth and Louis went torch fishing. Dan, and Louis worked on their house; Kenneth on his map; and Jacob on his surfboard. In the evening there was a mouse -killing jaunt, over fifty by torch-light. Nov. 6. Henry and Bill Chadwick went on a shark hunt. Dan worked on his house while recording weather. Kenneth and Jacob hunted for shells. Kenneth made a closet and a towel rack in his house. Jacob worked on his surf-board. Bill Chadwick hooked an octopus which measured about 8 feet from tip to tip. After considerable pounding and boiling, half was fried for supper and the rest dried. Nov. 7. Fishing, between recording weather, Henry Ahia caught three good sized sharks. At about 9:30, Dan, Kenneth and Louis caught 197 aholehole in Dan's surround net near the channel at the SW end of the island. They used some of the fish as bait to catch sharks. Louis caught two sharks, and Kenneth caught two red snappers and four other fishes. Seventy aholehole were cleaned and dried, also all next day. Nov. 9. Jacob worked on his surfboard, between recording weather, and went surfing with Kenneth, Henry and Louis. Dan Toomey (who keeps the log) went lobster hunting, catching four, which were eaten for lunch. In the evening, Dan and Suares caught over 300 aholehole in the surround net at the landing site. About 40 of the largest were kept, the rest thrown back into the sea. Eleven were cleaned for drying; five eaten for breakfast; the rest used for catching sharks by Henry and Kenneth. The beach SW of camp was considered the best area for shell collecting on the island. Much time is being spent in shell collecting and hunting for sharks, caught for their jaws. A heavy shower from 10:40 to 11:15, 0.09 inches of rain. The usual activities on Nov. 11. Nov. 12. Kenneth constructed a flagpole and put it in front of his house, flying a small American flag. Dan and Louis fished for sharks and collected shells on the east shore. They caught three sharks land extracted the jaws of two. An eel tried to bite Dan's ankle. On the way back they discovered a lobster hole and collected 30 for supper and breakfast. Henry and Kenneth visited the radio shack and talked with Howland. Nov. 13. Jacob carved his name on his surfboard between making weather records. Dan and Henry worked on the roof of the cottage. At the radio shack, Henry and Kenneth heard signals from the Kinkajou. Nov. 14. heavy shower at 5:50 A. M. , 0.09 inch in five minutes. Kenneth, Jacob and Henry made fishing poles and caught four 'u'u trying them out; eaten for supper. Louder signals from the Kinkajou. Nov. 15. Dan and Louis journeyed across the island to the SE corner to measure the height of the ground above sea level at about ten places. Nov. 16. Between taking weather observations, Kenneth cleaned the gymnasium tent and put paper on the roof of his house. Others collected shells. Henry's collection still the best. Nov. 18. The ocean began to get rough today, with big breakers -- good for surfing. Nov. 19. Kenneth constructed a high jump stand while Jacob dug the jumping pit. After lunch, the whole group participated in track events, high jump and shot put Dan and Louis caught a large school of aholehole; 50 were kept, about 30 cleaned and dried, the rest eaten for supper. Dan moved into the house he and Louis built. Nov. 20. Henry cleaned and rearranged the cottage Dan got more lumber for a 14-foot surfboard, with the help of Jacob and Louis. Nov. 21. Jacob went surfing with Louis, Henry made two shell collecting trips. Dan worked all day on a 14-foot surfboard; the 12-foot one he had made wasn't large enough for him to stand up on. Dan and Louis prac-ticed the shot-put. Nov. 22. Kenneth caught, cleaned, cooked and ate a young bos'n bird. He planted "mau" in front of his house. [Ma'o is the ilima-like Abutilon.] Jacob and Louis surfing. Nov. 23. Jacob made a shelf to display his shells. Kenneth made a "harpoon gun. " Dan worked on his surf-board. All went surfing. Bill Chadwick's radio brought news that the volcano was erupting near Hilo, from Mauna Loa. Nov. 24. A quiet day, the tenth Sunday since the de-parture of the Itasca. Nov. 25. Henry checked provisions. Others went surfing, insect and shell collecting. Nov. 26. Kenneth and Jacob made sling shots and shot 'mice." Every-one went body surfing in a very rough ocean, the waves rolling up to within a few feet of the beach crest. Nov. 27. Everyone was out looking for shells. Body surfing in the afternoon. Nov. 28. The flag was flown in observance of Thanksgiving Day. We had ham in the absence of turkey; our 'best dish on Jarvis." Nov. 29. Dan hunted shells and made two shelves for the "beacon house." Surfing in the afternoon. Kenneth planted pig weed and 'ilima in gallon cans and put them in the shade of the beacon. Henry cleaned and oiled some tools. Nov. 30. Shell collecting dominated the day. Dan and Henry took inventory of supplies and provisions. We have run out of evaporated milk, corn, pineapples, Vienna sausage, and rice. We have a few more cans of ham and poi. Corned beef will be our main dish until the Itasca returns. Ample water and kerosene. Dec. 1. Today's activities were mainly recreational: --shell collecting, surfing. Dan cleaned rust off tools. Dec.2. When not otherwise employed -plenty of reading and playing musical instruments. The ocean quiet again. Dan made a harpoon with which to spear sharks and large fish. Others read and collected shells. Henry visits the radio shack most evenings. Dec. 3. Henry cleaned and oiled tools, putting them away in wax paper. He began to make three outdoor stoves out of empty kerosene cans. Dec. 4. Overcast sky and a 1ight shower at 8:10 A. M. The sky cleared. Some surfing at 10:00, and shell collecting. Dec. 5. Between recording weather, Henry finished the outdoor stoves. Surfing in the afternoon. Dec. 6. Dan went on an early morning shell hunt. Surfing at 9:30. Henry got some fine shell specimens across the island. Dec. 9. Dan collected shells and at 9:30 went spear fishing, catching 13 aholehole, cleaned by Henry for supper. Kenneth and Louis studied plants in the 77 field. Dec. 8. Shell collecting and surfing. Kenneth made. a kite and tried flying it. He tied the cord to the flagpole in front of his house and let it fly all day. Dec. 9. Dan, Kenneth and Louis went spear fishing. They caught 5 uhu, 1 moana, and 'u'u. Henry cleaned the fish for supper. Kenneth and Louis made two electric buzzers to practice the code, transmitted by wire between Kenneth s house and "Beacon house." Dec. 10. Henry collected shells on the eastern shore; Dan on the beach north of camp. Between recording weather, Kenneth worked on his buzzer. Dec. 11. Jacob recorded weather and went surfing with Henry and Louis. Dan, Kenneth and Louis went spear fishing after lunch, catching 8 aholehole and 1 uliu; cleaned by Dan and Henry and eaten for supper. Since November 30, our main dish has been corn beef, supplemented by fish and lobster, when the ocean is not too rough. We have run out of baking powder, canned poi, peaches and peas. We have one can of ham, which we are saving for some future holiday We have lots of fruit juices and can get along until the Itasca arrives. Dec. 12. Henry collected shells all morning and went surfing with Kenneth, Jacob and Louis in the afternoon. Dan recorded weather. The lack of sufficient food has compelled the two members of the Coman camp to dine with us. - Dec. 13. Dan and Louis went lobster hunting and fishing on the reef. They caught 7 lobsters, 1 'u'u, and 6 aholehole. These were eaten for supper. Dec. 14. Henry and Bill Chadwick made a trip to the shipwreck and hauled some lumber to camp. They plan to build a raft. Dec. 15. Dan took inventory of provisions and supplies. We have food to last at least 25 days. Henry worked on the raft and speared fish, catching half a dozen aholehole, which we ate for lunch. Kenneth constructed a path from his house to the beacon. Dec. 16. Henry and Louis went spearfishing morning and caught a dozen aholehole, which we had fo lunch. Again, in the afternoon they caught 16 aholehole and 3 lobsters for the evening meal. Dec. 17. Henry, Dan and Louis went net fishing north £ camp and caught 150 aholehole. They cleaned 45 for the next three meals, also 25 for drying. The balance were thrown back into the ocean. The next few days followed the same pattern. The number of aholehole caught were as follows: Dec. 18, 62; 19th, 50; 20th, 45; 21st, 56, 22nd, 60; 3rd, 36; 24th, 40. Dec. 20. In the evening everyone wrote a few lines Christmas greetings to folks back home, and Bill Chadwick sent these by amateur radio to Honolulu. On Dec. 21, Dan caught an octopus, about 6 feet across. He pounded and salted it. In the afternoon all joined in launching the raft built by Henry. The whole Jarvis Island personnel, while in the raft, were suddenly struck by a big wave which threatened to capsize the raft. A strong current, flowing out to sea, held the raft marooned in the channel for quite a spell. If the rope which held us to the shore had been weak, no doubt would have been swept to sea. We finally man-aged to haul the raft to shore. Everyone was cool-headed during this exciting experience. Dec. 23. Kenneth journeyed to the shipwreck and brought back a load of lumber to repair the roof of his house. Dec. 24. Henry cleaned up his cottage; and Jacob did the same in his, and also went surfing with Louis. Dan hauled gravel between recording weather. Dec. 25. The flag was flown in observance of Christ-mas Day. The ham was cooked for Christmas dinner. Dec. 26. Henry chopped wood, repaired his cot, painted his surfboard, and stewed a "quail" bird, which Louis had caught, with tomatoes and dill pickles for lunch. Some thought (or at least said) it was "delicious"; others were less enthusiastic, but at least it filled their stomachs. Dec. 27. Dan, Henry and Louis went fishing with the surround net, catching 60 aholehole. An octopus, about 6-feet across, pounced on one of the fish in the net and succeeded in swimming to a hole. Dan hurried to camp for spears and they captured the octopus. The fishes were cleaned for meals; the octopus was pounded and dried. Hen also caught a shark and extracted the jaw. Henry sandpaper his surfboard between recording weather. Kenneth painted his surfboard and made a pair of wooden slippers. Dec. 28. Surfing and fishing were the order of the day; 56 aholehole caught. Henry learned at the radio shack that the Kinkajou was expected to arrive tomorrow. Dec. 29. At 7:15 A. M. the Kinkajou was sighted on the southwestern horizon. The ocean was calm and the yacht used its engine to come up to shore. It did not anchor, but drifted off and came back by power. At 9:00 A. M. the skipper Captain Constantine Flink, two Samoan members of the crew, and two Kamehameha School boys, Elmer Williamson and Arthur Harris, who had been stationed on Howland and Baker, respectively, came ashore. They brought letters from Honolulu. We learned that the Kinkajou had visited Samoa and 13 other islands in the South Seas. We also learned that the Itasca will sail from Honolulu for one of our islands on January 7. Kenneth Bell went on board the Kinkajou with the first returning boat and talked with Dr. Francis Dana Coman of Johns Hopkins University, and Kenneth Lum King, of Honolulu, radio operator stationed on Howland for the Coma Expedition. Henry and Dan also went on board, and all were warmly received. They had lunch on the Kinkajou. After lunch, Dr. Coman, Kenneth Lum King, and so members of the crew came on shore. A strong current and. big waves had the boat marooned for about half an hour in the channel, and the oarsmen certainly were tired when shore was reached. Henry showed the visitors around camp. Dr. Y Coman went into the field to look over the guano prospects. He highly commended us on the improvements to our camp. Members of the crew visited the Amaranth. We all wrote letters to folks in Honolulu in answer to the ones received. Dr. Homer F. Barnes, Principal in charge of the Kamehameha Schools, sent Henry Ahia and Toomey their pay checks for the six months from March to August. These checks were left with Dr. Barnesby Mr. W. T. Miller, to be forwarded to the boys as soon as possible. The boys endorsed the checks and sent them back to Dr. Barnes to be cashed. A letter of thanks was also sent to Miss Bertha Van Auken, matron of the Boys' Dining Hall, for the things sent to us by her. Henry Ahia also wrote to Mr. Clarence V. Budd, thank-lug him for the magazines received from him. We also re-ceived copies of "Ka Moi," Kamehameha Schools weekly paper from Mr. Loring G. Hudson and thanked him for them. letter addressed to the four boys of Jarvis was received from J. N. Taylor of Washington, D. C. Enclosed were two newspaper clippings about us here on Jarvis and the other two islands: one from the New York Times, Sunday, Sept. 1, l935, a picture; and the other from the Star, Washington, D. C., October 20, 1935, a long news story describing the reason for the colonization of the three islands, and four pictures of the islands. There was a return stamped envelope, on which Mr. Taylor wished us to indicate that it came from Jarvis Island and close to the equator, as he is a stamp col-1ector. He also asked us for our home addresses. About 5:00 o'clock this evening, with all the equipment of the Coman camp stored on board the Kinkajou except one tent, three drums of water, and the radio antenna, which is still on the island, most of the crew went on board the Kinkajou. Dr. Coman, Kenneth Lum King, Elmer Williamson, Louis Snares, and two members of the crew had supper with us before going on board. The Kinkajou got under way at 6:15, and we all sat in the cottage watching it until darkness hid it from our vision, taking from the island Bill Chadwick, radio operator, and Louis J. Suares, fellow Kam student, who had been resident of Jarvis since September 1st. Food stuff left us from the Kinkajou includes sugar, canned tuna, canned grapefruit juice, dried apples, bacon and Crisco, which we certainly needed. Dec. 30. Early this morning, before breakfast, Kenneth Bell covered the roof of his house with wax paper to keep the rain out. The velocity of the wind was low, the best time for such work. He also kept weather records. The rest of us read or talked about the coming of the Itasca. Henry trimmed Dan's beard. Dec. 31. Henry had obtained a hacksaw blade from the Kinkajou, and early this morning, after breakfast, he journeyed to the Amaranth to finish cutting off the stern wheel. However, the blade broke while he was sawing. He returned to camp with some souvenirs of the wreck for Don Mitchell, of the Kamehameha faculty. In the afternoon he went spearfishing, catching four aholehole, which we had for supper. Jacob was recording weather. Dan took inventory of provisions and other supplies. We enjoyed some Chinese sweet seeds which Jacob had received from Honolulu via the Kinkajou. Jan. 1, 1936. Only the daily chores to write about. The whole group spent the day reading. Kenneth collected a, few shells. Jan. 2. Henry recorded weather. The group passed the time reading. Jan. 3. Henry went spearfishing and got 10 aholehole and one uhu [parrot fish], which we ate for supper. Dan collected shells. Jan. 4. Henry went spearfishing and got a dozen aholehole. Dan and Kenneth speared two uhu on the reef. Jan. 5. Henry speared ten aholehole and two uhu on the reef. Our main diet is now fish, fried or, boiled, with hard tack, jam, and canned tomatoes, cooked with white beans. We also dill pickles, sauerkraut and spinach. Kenneth packed up his personal belongings in boxes Jan. 6. Dan speared six uhu, which we had for supper. Henry recorded weather and sandpapered the rust off some tools. Jan. 7. Henry speared 15 aholehole and two uhu Half the aholehole were eaten for lunch, the rest for supper While Henry was cleaning the fish a shark came up near the beach. Henry yanked it by the tail, clear out of the water and up on the beach. Jan. 8. The ocean was calm this morning and the raft was put into the water. We all fished from the raft uhu and popa'a (for bait). Henry trimmed Dan's hair. Later he went spearfishing and got a dozen aholehole for supper. Jan. 9. Henry speared ten aholehole and four uhu. Later he oiled all the tools. Jan. 10. The raft washed ashore and was partly wrecked. Henry chopped up the wood for firewood Dan and Kenneth went lobster hunting and found eight and one moana. The flag was raised and it will continue to fly until the Itasca arrives. Jan. 11. Henry caught a large red snapper at the southeast en of the island; we ate it for lunch. Dan packed his belongings, ready for shipment. Jacob installed new dry-cell batteries in his lighting system. Rain today from 2:00 to 2:45, 0.10 inch. Jan 12. House cleaning, shell collecting, and fishing (20 aholehole and a lobster) filled the day. Jan. 13. Dan and Henry caught four lobsters and ten aholehole. More shell collecting. Jan. 14. Ten more aholehole, all eaten for supper. Kenneth made a trip to the shipwreck for lumber to make a floor for his house. We were all certain that the Itasca would come tomorrow. Jan. 15. The Itasca was sighted at 9:30 A.M. by Henry Ahia. We were delighted to see her. Our food supply was about exhausted. All we had were eleven gallons of tomatoes and five pounds of beans. By eating fish we had made our three months supplies last for four months. Also at our meal table were two men of the Coman Expedition, who ran out of food on December 12 and ate with us until December 29. The first boat in brought Mr. Miller, Captain Meyer, Sgt Collins, and seven Kam boys, namely Solomon Kalama, Joseph Kim, W. Yomes, Alexander Kahapes, Henry Chumu-kini, George Kahanau, and Henry Mahikoa, the first three graduates of the school. Luther Waiwaiole, a graduate, and. James Carroll, who is still attending school, were aboard, in charge of shipping our food supplies, taking their liberty later. We were glad to see our friends again. Henry Ahia and Dan Toomey, who had been on this island for ten months, prepared to return home. Kenneth Bell was appointed leader on Jarvis; remaining with him were William Yomes, Henry Mahikoa, and Jacob Haili. Mr. Miller took motion pictures of the four boys who had lived on the island, and later of the four boys who were to stay. Kenneth and Jacob were invited on board the Itasca and were cordially greeted by Captain Brown, who seemed to be a jovial person. They were given a big dinner. At 3.00 P.M. they returned to the island, along with the crew going on liberty. A hacksaw was brought from the ship and Sgt. Collins and a lot of sailors crossed the island and brought back the steering wheel of the Amaranth Two 8 x 8 x 10 inch posts were also brought for the purpose of -building a platform for the cannon that is in the Bishop Muse -This old cannon was found on Baker Island. Shells for the museum were also selected from those collected by the boys on Jarvis. At five o'clock a call was given for all visitors to return to the ship, and farewells were said. The Itasca left for Baker and Howland. Kenneth, Henry, William and Jacob started to carry the provisions to the supply tent. At seven o'clock Henry and William enjoyed their first meal since sailing from Honolulu. Jan. 16. Jacob Haili recorded weather and showed Henry Mahikoa how to use and read the various instruments. Our daily routine started off with Henry and Jacob cooking and William and Kenneth washing dishes. After breakfast I we continued to carry our provisions to the supply tent. Kenneth built shelves in our kitchen. During the afternoon Henry explored the island. At 5:00 Haili had the pleasure of clipping Mahikoa's hair. Jan. 17. William Yomes started his first day on duty. He and Henry had learned the use of the instruments. Jacob and Kenneth helped him to describe the different clouds, but only a few types of clouds had appeared so far. Kenneth, Henry and William put the food tent in order and took inventory. We have 37 drums of fresh water. In the afternoon Henry and Kenneth collected shells. The new I boys learned the Jarvis way of surfing. Jan. 18. Henry Mahikoa came on duty for the first time. Kenneth and William repaired the road to the beach so that it would be easier to roll the drums of water up to the houses. The old road had been wrecked by the gigantic I waves we had, at which time the water rose to about the level of our houses, 15 feet above sea level. Henry and Jacob checked an inventory of tools and equipment. Henry J and Kenneth planted two coconuts in cans, 14 inches square. A lot of plants had been sent to Jarvis by the H. S. P. A. [Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association] of Honolulu. We will also endeavor to plant the seeds taken from fruits given to us--avocado, prunes and dates. In the evening, before supper, Henry sat on the beach, deciding whether to bathe, or fool the sharks and not bathe. The sharks, appearing to be away, he finally waded in about ten feet. Re soon came out faster than he went in, a six foot shark at his heels. The shark was soon caught with a hook by William and Henry, making the event the first of their shark experiences on Jarvis. Jan. 19. During the morning the four brought up two drums of water; 12 had been brought to the island this time. Then we went fishing. When Henry first saw the schools of aholehole, he got so excited that the spear he threw fell short. After fishing, we amused ourselves surfing. William Yomes planted two coconuts in cans. If the trees sent by the H.S.P.A. grow, we will have the pleasure of resting in their shade, and may possibly acquire more rain. Jan. 20. Two more water drums were hauled up to 'the beacon. The tide today varied: low for a few minutes, then rising suddenly, to rage violently. William and Jacob did their first surfing in the afternoon. Jan. 21. The young trees and shrubs seem to be growing nicely, with the exception of the coconut palms. Two more water drums were hauled up, made easy by using a one- inch rope 100 yards long. Both ends were tied to the beacon and the two parts laid parallel down to the beach 50 yards below the beacon. The drum was placed on the two lengths and the slack was thrown over and used to roll the drum up the hill. Kenneth showed William and Henry the different devices used in our gymnasium. Jan. 22. Henry recorded weather. We also record the tide. We hauled up two more drums of water and then went fishing and later surfing. The newcomers are becoming expert. Jan. 23. Two more water drums hauled up. Kenneth dug up a coconut palm, which had been planted last March, and put it in a large can with a sand foundation. This is the only one of those planted in rich guano soil which had sur-vived. William is quite a musician and can produce piano chords on a guitar. Jan. 24. This morning the entire population of Jarvis united to roll the last two water drums from the beach to the beacon. Kenneth, Henry and Yomes made a trip to the shipwreck to bring back more lumber. Kenneth and Henry began building another room on Jacob's two-story house. Jan. 25. Kenneth and Henry obtained more lumber from the Amaranth. Our coconut pals are growing nicely. A new moon found Jacob and William strumming their stringed instruments. Jan. 26. Sunday was distinguished by the singing of a few hymns, swimming in the afternoon, and music in the evening. Jan. 27. More lumber was brought over from the Amaranth We practiced Hawaiian songs in the evening. Mahikoa is the best tenor of the island; William, baritone, and Jacob, second base. Jan. 28. Kenneth and Henry carried seven bags of gravel for the new room, used for flooring, for wood is becoming scarce. In the afternoon everyone reported to the gymnasium for their daily exercises which are taken seriously on Jarvis. Jan. 29. Kenneth, William and Henry started a roofing job on the home of William and Henry. The tent fly, which had been used previously as protection against the rain, was removed and replaced with genuine roofing material and yard-wide strips of canvas. Some read the new magazines contributed by several ladies and gentlemen in Honolulu, brought down on the Itasca; others hunted for shells. Music in the evening. Jan. 30. All swam for fifteen minutes before lunch.. The sharks seemed to mind their own business, so we left them alone. In the evening Kenneth and William combed the beach for more shells. Jan. 31. An inventory was made oft our food supply, tools, equipment and various miscellaneous articles. All went for a swim in the channel, then to the gymnasium at 3:30 P.M. In the evening, to Kenneth's home for a card game; and last to the home of William and Henry, for refreshments--cookies and orange punch. Feb. 1. All worked on the "future, proposed landing field," leveling mounds and filling holes. When it became too hot, back to camp for a swim in the channel before lunch. Unable to get to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, we play our own music and dance with boxes or chairs. Feb. 2. All spent spare time studying various chords on the guitar and ukulele. William taught the others an ad-vanced lesson in the usage of minor and broken chords. Feb. 3. A coconut palm was transplanted at the left front of Kenneth's home. It seems to be the strongest of the four that were brought here. Large rollers thundered in on the beach and wrecked the slab walk up from the beach; about he fourth time it has been washed out. In the afternoon we collected shells for the Bishop Museum, Insects, birds' eggs and fishes are also being collected for the Museum. Feb. 4. Additional roofing material was put on Wil1iam and Henry's house. One hundredth of an inch of rain, which fell last night, proved that the previous roofing was inadequate. Jacob uses canvas to protect destructible equipment. Feb. 5. Henry and William have been here three weeks. Jacob and Kenneth have been away from Honolulu for five months. The island today was combed for insects. Quite a few kinds were found. Because of the lack of diving goggles, we have difficulty in spearing small fish as specimens that dwell in holes and under coral rocks. Feb. 6. A passing nimbus cloud brought a light shower, lasting only a minute or two. The longest recorded rain on Jarvis was 40 minutes. William hunted for shells halfway around the island. Feb. 7. Kenneth planted a hala tree, brought from Honolulu, in front of the home of Jacob Haili. Ken's coco-nut palm seems to be in fine condition, growing well. One of the four coconuts brought from Palmyra died. Feb. 8. A ship was sighted soon after breakfast. It came from the north and drifted by on the horizon and steamed away to the westward. It looked like a large steel freighter, with one mast and a derrick in the front part of the ship and another mast in the stern. Its color was gray, and it had one large, low smokestack. When it was seen at 8 05 by Kenneth, the American flag was hoisted over the beacon. Feb. 9. All four went fishing. William caught an uhu, and the others 12 aholehole. These were cooked by Henry, who is a first rate cook. An outdoor stove, made of three kerosene tins, is used with wood as fuel. Two rods -serve as rests for pots. Feb. 10. Kenneth, Henry and Jacob covered the island, scanning the ground for relics that might have been left by the guano workers. A mirror frame, measuring 12 x 20 inches, was the only article they brought back to camp. Later, a swimming contest was held in the channel, racing against the strong current. Later in the afternoon we played baseball. The balls and gloves had been loaned to us by Mr. William Wise, athletic coach at the Kamehameha Boys School. Feb. 11. While on duty, Henry Mahikoa began the job of reconstructing the coral slab walk that leads from the main house to the beach. Feb. 12. The American flag was hoisted today in honor of President Lincoln. William spear his first uhu, and Jacob, Henry and Kenneth brought in a few aholehole and uhu, which provided a hearty meal. In the afternoon William and Henry made a trip around the island, bringing back some rare shells. Feb. 13. Jacob recorded weather. The others hunt insects. The insect that is of greatest abundance, and which, breeds in pickleweed patches, is a cream colored moth. The most pesty insect is a black fly, about half an inch long, which resides in the feathers of frigate birds; it makes frequent visits to camp and bothers us. Luckily we do not have any mosquitoes or centipedes. A few insects have been brought here by the Itasca and the Kinkajou. They dwell mostly in the onions and potatoes. There is also a black bug [beetle ? ]which ravishes all food-stuffs and anything that. is not covered or protected. Feb. 14. William Yomes on weather duty. The others started toward the airfield with picks and shovels. They stopped at 10:30 and returned to camp. The rest of the day spent in reading and music. Feb. 15. Kenneth installed a lighting system in his new room, used frequently now; and a1so by Kenneth and William as their sleeping quarters. The walls are only half the height of the room, and they find it refreshing. It is also used as a lounging, reading, and music room. Feb. 16. Henry and William hunted shells. Kenneth planted another hala. All the plants seem in fine condition. Feb. 17. Jacob Haili on duty. The others speared fish on 'the east side of the island. Feb. 18. Kenneth tried collecting bird eggs. He had quite a time getting some from frigate nests, for the birds would swoop down and attempt to peck him. He blew one egg in less than 30 seconds; but on another occasion he blew so hard the egg was smashed. Fortunately none was rotten. Feb. 19. Henry recording weather. The others hunted in-sects, returning with cockroaches, ants, bugs of various sorts, and lizards. Jacob and Henry planted pickleweed in front of their houses; then went surfing. Feb. 20. Kenneth recorded weather. The others went spear fishing on the east side. The tide was low and it was possible to walk along the hedge of the reef. They found about 100 aholehole in a pool, and about 60 were caught. Feb. 21. Jacob on weather duty. The others went to the channel to catch sharks. Two, with white-tipped fins, small but with sharp teeth, were caught. They were differ-ent from the yellow-fin and gray-fin sharks. Feb. 22. William Yomes recording. Henry and Jacob went spear fishing. No aholehole seen until about 11:30. Then Jacob sighted a school of about 500. Henry blocked their escape, and Jacob speared until their two fishing bags were full, a total of 80 aholehole. The rest of the day was spent cleaning, scaling, salting and drying. Feb. 23. Henry recording. He started making a 1arger fishing bag, ten by twenty inches, out of canvas, with cross-straps. He sewed two bug bags together to make a net, with a four foot mouth. Kenneth also made a fishing bag out of brown canvas. They have made fish drying an "industry. Feb. 24. Kenneth Bell recording. He also planted four hala trees. Henry, William and Jacob set out at 8:30 for the western fishing grounds. The tide again was low. After combing the reef for about three hours, Bill sighted a school of aholehole, and these were corralled in a perfect coral trap. Bill sat in the three-foot passage to prevent the school from escaping. About 500 fishes were in a pool on1y 20 feet in circumference. Spearing being too slow, the boys used Henry's net and had soon captured about 300. They threw back the smaller ones and kept the rest. They the fish on a large dry part of the reef, and were getting ready to make a second scoop when a five-foot eel came gliding out of a hole. Bill jumped away from the opening and the eel glided through. They took their catch back to camp and, after lunch, spent the afternoon cleaning the fish. Feb. 25. Jacob on duty. Henry visited several nests and brought back their eggs. Kenneth, William and Jacob fished for different kinds of fish specimens. They brought back several. At noon, all went swimming in the channel. Afternoon and evening reading and swimming. Feb. 26. William on duty. Henry and William caught two sharks. We can tell four kinds apart: gray-fin, white tipped fin, yellow-fin, and hammerhead. When fishing swimming or surfing, the gray-fins are the ones that bother our conscience most when we are in deep water. We are not afraid of them on the reef. Feb. 27. Henry took over weather observations at 6:00 A. M. The others started filling in various gaps in the airfield. After two hours they had to stop because of rain. Jacob ran back to cover the bed and table in his room, but found them already wet. He slept that night under a large canvas. Feb. 28. The morning was fine, and wet bed clothes were spread over the 'slab-rock" to dry. Henry went looking for eggs, coming back with two frigate eggs, three booby eggs, and one tern egg. William taught Jacob how to make cords on the 'silent piano, a standard key-board which Ken Bell had drawn. Feb. 29. Kenneth and Henry went out to hook sharks, but none appeared. William went hunting for shells. Jacob transposed songs into guitar solos between weather observations. March 1. William Yomes recorded weather. Henry transplanted two hala trees in holes three feet deep, refilling holes with a mixture of sand and Honolulu soil. In the afternoon Jacob and William took advantage of large rolling raves to go surfing. March 2. Henry recorded weather and everyone else collected specimens. March 3. Kenneth Bell on duty. William and Henry circled the island collecting shells. Jacob clipped Henry's hair. March 4. Jacob re-corded weather. Kenneth collected a sack full of shells along the south shore. All went for a swim in the channel in the evening. March 5. William Yomes on duty. The others went fishing. William sighted the Itasca before they got back. The first boat landed at about 11:10 A. M., with Mr. Miller, Cap-tain Meyer and Major Bissel, with Executive Officer Kenner in charge. A group of Hawaiian boys and Army men arrived to break camp, including Austin Collins, Ralph Wilson, Mr. Raine and William Wilson. Within an hour all was packed, including all equipment and food still in good condition, ready to go back to the ship. All that couldn't be salvaged was piled together and set on fire. As the flames and smoke started to roll up, marking the end of a year-1ong project, a sudden hush came to those assembled on the beach. The Itasca steamed closer to shore. At the water's edge the launches were waiting to take us back to the ship. Then, with simple ceremony, we gave our last salute to Jarvis island. With everyone standing at stiff attention to the colors, Austin Collins, Daniel Toomey and Henry Ahia lowered the American flag, which had been raised a year ago. Then turning our faces to the north, we hurried down to the waiting launches. We set sail for Honolulu aboard the Itasca, bidding farewell to ![]() A view of the group's first camp. ![]() Another view of the above. ![]() Collins' office. ![]() Albert Judd. ![]() The group's gym. ![]() Francis Dana Coman. ![]() The Itasca. |